This is one of many Papuan women, they are very distinguished with their woven colored bags.

Those are two Papuan from Baliem Valley, here I captured the old aged man and the young one during a culture war show, I don’t know if the are related.

This woman showing her right hand with its missing finger Vertebrae. Women in Papua do this as a sign of Grief for losing their beloved ones.

He was sitting alone under the shade of one of the many cottages at the village. I was told that the hat those tribe men wear is made of their own hair; they collect their hair when its cut and they keep it so they can saw a hat out of it.

This old man was heading to his cottage in Opeia Village. one of the villages I visited at Baliem Valley, as he entered I asked if it is alright to take a picture of him, he allowed me to do so. I only used the natural light coming from a side small window.

This little Dani's girl was very nice and social, she approached me while I was taking pictures of other members of her tribe and she starts touching the side of my hat to get my attention. I shot on picture of her and when I showed it to her she smiled and then I shot this one.

A look at this young man, show how attached this new generation to their tribe traditions.

This young woman from Opeia Village shows how living with hope is everything you need to overcome any obstacles in your life path.

This is one of the tribe Chiefs I meet during my visit to Opeia at Village Baliem Valley (Wamena). He reflect's a true leadership.

This is a family from Opeia Village, Here I was looking to capture the natural non-fake attitude, as you see; one girl was laughing while looking at the little boy, the mother was looking aimless while her other daughter staring at her.