This is a sunrise shot of the famous Angkor Wat Temple in Cambodia/ Siem Reap. Needless to say that it was very crowded and we had to be there before 4:30 AM to grape a good spot, lucky me I was just an arm far from the water line.

This Monk was among many at the Angkor Wat Temple. I had the chance to get a few minutes and took a few shots using only natural light.

This Monk was walking alone, I asked if it was OK to take his picture. He was very kind and humble to give me the time to take many photos of him using the natural light.

A women among many people visiting the Angkor Wat Temple. They are Pilgrims from different parts of the world.

Another Pilgrim just outside the Angkor Wat Temple, he is just one among so many pilgrims visiting this big sight.

This is one of the many women I encountered at the Fish Market in Cambodia, she was very positive and didn’t mind taking her picture.

One of the many women around rice filed in Cambodia. Her husband was working at the field while she was leaning at the side of the wagon. It was a humid day but eventually, the misty background helped to overcome the strong sunlight.
In order to get a natural light picture, I used a reflector to lighten the shadows at the woman face and cloth. I think this with having the colors graded made this cinematic overall look.

It was in one of the many narrow corridors inside one of the many temples I visited during my workshop in Cambodia. This woman was sitting at a tight corner as she was waving some Holy Thrids. I reached and asked her if I can get a picture of her she signed informing me that it will be fine to do so If I bye some of her hand made Holy Thrids; I accepted and I shot some portrait using the natural light and kept my part of the deal and bought some of the colored Holy Thrids form her.
Although the original picture was shot in colors I preferred the monochrome finished one because I think it adds more to the character of this woman and it reflects the dramatic side of the shot as it shows the speechless sadness that lay behind her wide open looking eyes.

I the light was harsh because we reached this temple around midday. I had to do something about this issue, so I did my set up and put my camera on a tripod and added a small Lee filter and I used a cable release, I took the first shot for the tree only and then asked the monk to sit at the spot and shot my next frame without the filter.
I blended the two shots and this helped to overcome the harsh midday sun. Needless to say that I can get the same result using a flash or speed light with a softbox but back then when this shot was taken I didn’t own a flash with a high sync facility.

This was taken in my first workshop in Cambodia, this was one o the many boats at this river; were boat are also houses for the fishermen. Every boat got a full family and there was also some boat schools and a church. I went and visited this boat which has a mother with her three children; two boys and a girl. Our guide informed the mother that we are here to take some pictures and she accepted. The alder boy and the girl were fine. I took some pictures of them while they were preparing the fishing nets. As I spent more time in their boat I noticed that the young child wasn’t open and he kept some distent form me and my friend. I asked the guide to ask the mother if it was fine to give him some sweets, she approved so I gave him some of what I have. He was just getting comfortable with us around the boat then after a while, he was asking me to take his picture, he shaw me their kitchen and what was cooking for lunch.
I took a few pictures of him and just before leaving their boat he came and huge me so tight as if saying goodbye, this was very emotional and I felt so sad that day because I know that perhaps I will never see him again. Good luck, my little friend, I hope life comes with all its best for you and your small family.

An unordinary scene I encountered while visiting this temple. It was just about 4 PM when the huge bell starts ringing and everyone start entering the temple.
All the monks were facing the Buddha statue, everyone was busy at their prayers while this Child Monk was looking at the other direction towards this dog, representing a true child behaviour. He was so busy looking at the doge while others were all doing their religious practice.
So I guess even though this child is being here in this temple as a monk but still, he is hanging on his childhood habits. So this assures the fact that a child is always a child.

Among the many lovely things to see in Cambodia is the farmers working in the Rice fields, they are well organised and work in such harmony as if they are one person.
As our car was heading from the sites we visited that day I was looking at the direction of the endless green landscapes and suddenly I saw this group working in the rice field, immediately I asked the driver to stop and grabbed my camera and reflector running towards the field as the guide came to translate.
I knew that they were a family and they were working in their own field, so I asked them to ignore my presence and just work as they always do while then I was just shooting, but this young girl was so special and got my attention because while at her age other girls are playing with dolls and enjoy having fun she is hard working at this field with her family to assure that they got enough food on their table.

This little boy was just sitting over this dry grass passage while his mother and young sister were working at the Rice Field. He was very calm and quiet as if he knew that it’s not the time for crying and asking to be feed nor to be spoiled.
It is hard to imagen how this little boy childhood is, instead of going to a nursery or a kindergarten school; he is sitting over a dry grass facing all-weather condition and burning day sun.

We found this old woman at one of the Temples, she came with her big family to visit the place and I noticed her shaved hair and also many other women do that. As I searced this matter I found that many women shave their head and dress in white in order to represent that she is a Nun, doing so to avoid being captured and raped by Bandits.
This old woman was sitting at one place while her family were sitting around and some people were taking her picture, I noticed how the little girl in the background is at her so I thought this can reflect the relation or the bond between family members.

Those Three Monks got my attention, I saw them at first sitting at one of the many extended stairs around this temple. Then I noticed that they start walking around the temple in Circles and the two elder ones were in front while the younger one was walking behind them. Does walking around the temple in circles represent something or dose the way those monks are arranged represent something? I don’t know.
To me, I only can imagen its a kind of respect from the young to his seniors.

Those Monks can reach outstanding levels of relax and peace of mind, it’s amazing how they can reduce their stress levels and blood pressure rate just by meditating.