An Ariel photograph of Kuwait City at sunset, we don't have such massive cloudy skies; so it is always a great opportunity to go out taking pictures when the skies are cloudy. This photo is made of 3 blended shots with Mavic Pro at an altitude of 200m.

This is another Ariel photograph taken at Doha Northern Parts of Kuwait Sea, at that area, there are many Ship Wreckage and they are left there by their owners to be cut and sold as metal for other industry. This is a single shot taken by Mavic Pro at altitude of 26m.

This is one of my favourite Panoramic Photographs, it was taken from an under construction building of a 27 Floors, climbing the stairs to get this amazing view as a reward.
The shot was made of 9 horizontal shots each frame of those 9 was made of 3 frames stacked focus in depth. I ended up with 27 RAW frames with 36MP each, you can imagine what was the size of the final file.

A panoramic Shot of Kuwait City from the seaside while Blue Hour after the Sunset. This Photo is a blend made from 21 Mavic Air shots at altitude of 300m.

These are two close to shore islands in Kuwait. I photographed them recently. The water colors are epic and this added a dramatic look to the picture, also some of the Seagulls were resting on the islands while other were flying heading to the East.

This was taken after a one year stop of flying drones. It was almost the perfect weather that day, it was like an invitation to grab my Inspire and rush to the site.
At an altitude of 285 meter. In order to eliminate any vibration, and get a sharp crisp shot; I set my drone to Tripod mode and set the focus to infinity.

I think its best skies you get are the after rain ones. You will be rewarded with clean clear weather which will give you the best opportunity to capture amazing colors and light.
Here I follow the weather forecast and waited for the moment of truth, and finally, it was time to start taking pictures of the area and I loved the results because this overcast purple added a new look for the city.

This was one of my first pictures taken with my first Fuji camera XE1 with its kit lens 18-55mm.
This Mosque was built as a replicate of the Taj Mahal. It is named Fatima Alzahra after the only daughter of Prophet Mohammad (Peace on him).
I was at the spot waiting for the sunrise just before going to my office, I was lucky to get this shot because as you can see there were no cars and the ski was rich with amazing clouds and colors.

This was one of my first shots with my new small Hasselblad, it was only a 16MP camera so I wasn’t sure about how the results will come out, it’s not a lack of trust in the camera quality but it was more not sure how the weather effects due to the little haze at the horizon.
I shot this pano hand holding the camera and this was another challenge.
After coming back home and looking at the RAW file I was very pleased and did my edit and here is the final Panoramic Silhouette Cityscape picture.

Just a few min after sunset grabbing the last light of a wonderful day could be the best thing ever happen to close your long day of office work, however, finding a perfect location and catching the light of cloudy skies mixing with the city lights is the ultimate unbeaten wanted feeling I can ever ask after a long day at the office.
Being rewarded with such outstanding clouds and sky colors is the best ever thing that can happen to a photographer.

To have the chance to capture your beloved homeland in such a tight time while others are struggling to do what only matters for them without giving any consideration to others care about is usually an unwanted thing and selfishness. But I saw going out and take the time to take this shot of my City while the COVID19 the opposite; my goal was to take this shot and post it on Instagram and write a positive message to all followers and people of Kuwait and other places to hope to overcome the COVID19 Epidemic.
The feedback came very encouragingly and I was able to submit my words and did my part to my city, I am willing to do what I can to give some of my country gave me.

This shot is very rememberable I shot it while COVID19 was just starting to do its massive dramatic actions in Kuwait, I just came back home from a workshop at Dhaka/ Bangladesh. A friend made a surprise for me and drove me all the way to Kuwait new bridge; Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Causeway.
I have always wanted to capture the view of Kuwait City from far away and I did it before using my DJI Inspire2 but never do it using my usual photography gear.
I waited for the right moment to get the perfect light hitting Al Hamra Tower and when the moment came it was such a magical light phenomenon, I have never seen my home city in such golden light before.